Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some Thoughts on Website Flipping

One thing you do have to keep in mind is that the Internet is constantly evolving and your sites need to evolve with it too, to stay competitive. The Internet is just starting to recognize how to make money online from web sites. These practices can change very quickly. Once SEO was the only way to go, and then Google decided to weight real content more heavily. Some tricks like meta tag stuffing (considered "black hat" tricks) to increase search engine exposure might have worked once, but now Google ignores the meta tags. They are constantly changing their algorithm for ranking and placing web sites on result pages. If you don't keep up with the changes, you might end up having trouble selling sites that relied on old techniques and information. And, today's consumer is extremely savvy, so you need to be too.

One of the biggest changes in recent history is the advent of social networking sites. These sites are an excellent new form of Internet property that are highly desirable. If you can learn how to set up some of these sites and then flip them, you should have a steady income for quite some time, until the public tires of them or something new comes along.

It's also desirable to have more than one selling venue for your sites. While eBay is a really great place to sell your web sites, they can also change their policies to make it hard to continue your business. This happened with people selling information products online, when suddenly (quite overnight), eBay said these types of products could not longer be listed on auction and had to be put into classified ads, where they had far little exposure. The new policy only allowed the sale of physical items in auctions, so sellers of e-books and virtual reports, were left trying to change their entire business model so that they could still make a profit while providing an e-book on a physical product like a CD-ROM, to be able to list it in eBay's auction pages.

In order to keep something like that from hitting you in the face, check out other places to sell your web sites and explore these markets too. That way if one selling venue changes it's policy, you still have a way to continue your business model regardless of any new rules.

Other places to sell your site are webmaster forums, like DigitalPoint and Sitepoint. There are many new users that come in looking for web sites that can generate an income and are ready to go. Take a look at these too. They are a valuable source of information on what the public wants in a web site and what are the most popular features and criteria that make a web site more valuable. Have a look at the Resource section that follows, to find links to other places to explore this fascinating and profitable topic. There are so many helpful sites and aides out there for people getting into web site flipping that we just couldn't list them all. However, it is a great place to start to get a broad view of how to start to create a business that can generate not only instant sales, but also residual income for years to come.

So, don't be afraid to dip your toe! The world is waiting for you to take that first bold step into creating your own home business that can fulfill your income needs while giving you the thrill of discovering a whole new unexplored territory, the glorious World Wide Web.

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